Sunday, July 29, 2012

macarons, and random shots :D

as i mentioned in my previous post, i made earl grey tea macarons with honey buttercream. they were absolutely delicious, however, they were slightly on the sweet side. 

in the future, i'd just reduce the sugar to 2-3 tablespoons. you will still be able to recognize the earl grey tea in the cookie, so no biggie :)

but of course, if you have a sweet tooth, feel free to follow the recipe.

as this was my first attempt at making macarons, i took my time, and carefully performed all the procedures of the recipe. 

'yoyomax12', a cooking channel on youtube posted a video on this recipe a while back. the video shows you step by step procedures, as well as tips to making perfect macarons. 

when i took the macarons out of the oven, i was overwhelmed with joy. the meringue cookies not only had a smooth and shiny surface, but also the frilly bits on the bottom, also known as 'feet'.

the texture of the cookies were also perfect - crunchy on the outside, and chewy in the inside is the consistency you are looking for. 

courtesy goes to yoyomax12 on youtube:


the meringue cookie on the middle slightly cracked when i was transferring it from the oven to the cooling wire. 
TIP: be patient, wait for it to completely cool down before transferring! > :D

ha, that's me.

you may be wondering why there suddenly is a shot of my hairy fingers and two wire rings. maybe you have forgotten that this blog also features my crafts and other random snapshots of my life! haha

the 'love' and 'heart' rings are made out of silver wire i got at a local stationary shop. using a variety of pliers and fingers (the best tool in the world, no pun intended), i played with the wire until i obtained the desired shape and size.

i really enjoy making wire jewelry (rings, necklaces, particularly bracelets). although i do not wear them, wire bracelets are great for layering up with other accessories you have, as 'arm candy' is really trendy this season :0

okay. another shot.
as i mentioned in my previous post, i will be leaving for singapore on monday, which is actually today! (haha) the taxi will come and pick us up 30 minutes later, so i'd better get changing.

on airplanes, i usually wear quarter length sweatpants, a tank top and a cardigan (and two blankets for me to bundle up like a burrito)

okay, my dad is calling me. 
i will be posting random snapshots of my vacation in singapore when i am in taiwan. (if that makes any sense)

and when i am back from taiwan, i will be uploading photos again. (if that makes any sense, because it does not to me) 

byebye :)

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