Friday, August 10, 2012

taiwan update, singapore photos:sentosa

I feel like i haven't updated my blog for ages. but really, it has only been a week and one day. I spent my past week doing labor work - i'm not even joking. If you read my previous post, you would know I am currently in Taiwan, learning art from a renowned artist/fashion designer/architect, who is also one of my mum's friend (whom i call uncle). During my stay here at uncle's place, I was introduced a new form of media - mud art. I have no idea what the technical term of this technique is called (that was a lot of 't's, haha), but basically, what you do is carve on different shapes of varying heights on the mud, and then pouring in a layer of cement on top. After the cement is fully hardened and taken out, the face of the cement will result in a reversed version (flipped, and 3D) of your design.

I am pretty sure the above makes no sense of all. I would love to show you photos of the mud art-making process, however, because I was so engrossed in carving my designs, I completely neglected the thought of taking photos. I regret it, I really do. I should have taken the photos not only for the sake of this blog, but for personal references in the future. Sigh... :( Guys (and girls), bring your cameras along with you wherever you go, and take as many photos as you can, so you will not become a regretful butt like me < :D.

** I will be uploading photos of my final mud artwork when I am back in Hong Kong. (not to be confused, I took photos of the final product, not the process of making it.)

Let's go off tangent for a bit. As I promised in previous posts, here are some photos I took in Sentosa, Singapore. (note: I deliberately picked these photos).


Universal Studios

i haven't had churros for years. it was welcoming to my taste buds, haha :)

iFly - it was SO MUCH FUN. seriously, you will never regret this experience :D

if you zoom in my face, i look kinda retarded. :P

i'm a big butt (pun intended, ahhahha) :D

today is my last night at the uncle's house. can't wait to go back to taipei and the entire day.  :)

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